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All Points Team Shares New Year’s Resolutions
Goal-setting is in our nature at All Points, so it was only natural to use the new year as an opportunity to think about what lies ahead. Check out our team’s resolutions for 2017.
Joey: …to invest more time in my professional development by pursuing networking opportunities and training courses.
Allie: …to find new and innovative ways to deliver integrated campaigns for our clients and to get more sleep.
Jessica: …to get certified in additional skills to continue my professional development.
Liz: …to set up some face-to-face meetings with Chicago reporters. Our city is such a media hub and it’s always helpful to know what the press is looking for or working on.
Steph: …to continue pursing my CFE certification and read more for leisure outside of the office.
Sydney: …to find new ways to grow myself professionally through classes, seminars and conferences, and to read at least two books each month.
Mackenzie: …to read more books to help expand and build my vocabulary. I also hope to dedicate more free time to writing — not only to improve my skills as a writer, but also simply because I enjoy doing it.
Jamie: …to drink more coffee to energize myself for better organization.
Baca: …to push myself to think creatively, more outside the box, when creating pitches, and to spend more time outdoors and traveling.
Bailey: …to build and strengthen relationships with national media and to read more for fun.
Amy: …to make time each week to read and research ways to implement creative elements into B2B-focused writing, and to drink more tea and less coffee.
Lauren: …to continue to grow a business that we can be proud of by providing structure, while maintaining an attitude of flexibility and open-mindedness.
Lizzie: …to work on making my pitches a little more individualized, whether to the outlet or the specific reporter, and to read more books.
Callie: …to widen my knowledge of the franchising industry to continue to best serve our client and to focus on finding opportunities – conferences, webinars, fresh campaigns with clients – to strengthen my PR expertise and share takeaways with our APPR team.
Whitney: …to challenge myself every day as if it were always the new year.
Gillian: …to find a place for myself at All Points as the newest team member, learn more about what strategies can help make social media content go viral, and read more classic literature.