“When the going gets tough, the tough get going…”
Rarely is securing press coverage easy. It takes hard work and dedication to achieve your PR goals. It is easy to become downtrodden when faced with adversity and stress with your PR work, but a positive attitude is a powerful tool when overcoming obstacles.
Fact is, the way you feel about a situation has an impact on how you handle it. Negative feelings tend to cloud your judgment. Having a positive attitude allows you to see opportunity when faced with a challenge, especially in PR.
Just like anything in life, it takes hard work to see the positive in a negative situation, such as a struggle to generate press. Here are some useful tips and tricks to keep an optimistic attitude in the workplace.
1) Organization is Key: It is easy to become overwhelmed at work when there is no organization system set in place. When papers are strewn about it is easy to lose track and become discouraged. Less is more. Get rid of the junk and develop a system that works for you. There are many free applications you can download on your computer and phone to help you keep organized. When things are less chaotic on the surface, you will feel more in control of the situation.
2) Forward Thinking: Another way to keep a positive attitude at work is to set goals for yourself. For example, “by Thanksgiving I am going to finish this project, land this story or complete this assignment.” The sense of accomplishment once you have achieved your goal will not only boost your confidence but also give you the mindset to think towards the future.
3) Celebrate Others’ Successes: It is important to be happy for co-workers when they achieve a goal or reach a milestone. Jealousy over another’s achievement only drags down your mood and allows negative thoughts to filter in. Think of your co-workers as your teammates. You are all working to accomplish the same goal.
4) Out of Your Control: Accept that some things are out of your control. If you obsess over every single thing that goes wrong you will lose track of the overarching goal. Prioritizing will help you keep track of what is most important and what is trivial.
5) Fake It Till You Make it: When all else fails, fake it. Come into work each day with a smile on your face and with the best of intentions. If you think positive thoughts, eventually it will just happen naturally.
Having a positive attitude is beneficial in the workplace. Your attitude affects everything from communication and teamwork to productivity. Just keep your head up and remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.