The All Points Team Explores Campaign Planning and Brainstorming During the June Seminar
In our recent June seminar, the All Points team was treated to a two-part presentation from Creative and Digital Account lead Barbara Krygowska, Public Relations Account Lead JoeyLauren Jiracek, and Public Relations Associates Alexandra Hopkins and Alejandra Sanchez.
Our monthly seminars serve to promote ongoing education and refinement of skills, motivating and inspiring our employees through relevant topics and exciting information. The team gathered for an inside look into the planning and execution of a recent creative campaign, followed by an introduction to a revamped agency brainstorming initiative designed to keep the creativity flowing.
Barbara and Joey began the seminar with a client case study on creative campaign planning and execution. The goal was to present the client with a year-long marketing plan for recruitment, and to produce a highly creative and integrated consumer-facing campaign to further differentiate our client from its competitors. The duo took us through their influencer-style campaign, from its initial idea generation to the incredible results and content generated over the last few months.
Following Barbara and Joey’s presentation, Alex H. and Alex S. took the stage to guide the team through a revitalized brainstorming initiative. The pair discussed multiple brainstorming methods that are designed to bring different groups of the All Points team together and consider new, innovative ideas for our agency’s integrated public relations, social media, digital and content marketing strategies.
Be sure to check out All Points PR on Facebook and Twitter to hear about our latest seminars, and follow along on Instagram to keep up with the office.