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All Points PR Logo

How to Plan for Your Integrated Franchise Development PR Strategy

When launching a lead generation strategy, you’ll likely see the benefits of increased brand awareness, higher engagement and stronger franchisee interest within a few months if you take the time to set yourself up well. A proactive, strategic approach is essential for keeping your brand in the spotlight year after year. But if your current … Continued

SEO 101: How to Optimize Your Website Content with Keywords

Many joke that SEO can often seem like it stands for “Something Everyone Overlooks.” As marketers, it feels like we’re always chasing endless Google algorithm updates. And if we fail to do so, we risk our content not being visible to our intended audience. Once you have a well-optimized website with relevant keywords sprinkled seamlessly … Continued

Meet Our Point Pals: How to Make Mentorship Relationships Meaningful

Finding someone at work to support and encourage you, while also challenging you, is one of the best ways to hone your skills and reach your career goals. Over 70% of Fortune 500 companies have mentoring programs. Why? Because investing in leadership pays off in performance, productivity and innovation. To reap the benefits of mentorship … Continued