All Points PR Associate Joey Jiracek Inspires Team to Think Creatively
The All Points PR team recently had a burst of creativity at the monthly team seminar, facilitated by PR Associate Joey Jiracek.
Joey’s presentation focused on harnessing the creativity within us all. As PR professionals, we are skilled in creative areas from writing and pitch development to communication strategy and team building.
As a team, we participated in a few improv-inspired activities to warm us up creatively. One of the most fun parts of Joey’s presentation was called the “185 Joke Structure,” where the team comes up with a joke along the lines of, “185 (blanks) walk into a bar. The bartender says “Sorry, we don’t serve (blanks) here,” so the (blanks) say (punchline).”
A great example by Account Lead Mackenzie Coopman: “185 almonds walk into a bar. The bartender says, we don’t serve almonds here. The almonds say, ‘that’s nuts!’”
We also explored how to use “yes, and,” a common improv theme, to spice up our brainstorming. Check out the All Points page to watch some of the fun streamed live!
Joey encouraged the team to dig deep and see where we can find small ways to inject our daily work with big doses of creativity, which will benefit our clients and our team as a whole. Stay tuned for November’s seminar!