The All Points Team Discusses Best Pitching Practices in Recent Seminar
In the world of public relations, it’s not just about having the best pitch – it’s also about how and when you’re following up on it. The All Points PR team recently enjoyed a “pitch perfect” seminar held by Senior Account Lead Gautier Lemyze-Young, who shared some great tips on best practices for pitches and follow ups.
To kick off the seminar, our team was asked to consider our current pitching practices and how they connect to our clients’ goals. Gautier explained that it’s important to keep these goals in mind and consider how press will help achieve them. From TV segments to print, online coverage and social media influencers, it’s best to channel your pitching efforts into the types of coverage that best captures your clients’ initiatives.
Sharing specific examples of pitches and follow ups that have worked well around the office, Gautier talked more about the practice “same story, different pitch” to help make a pitch the perfect fit. Just as pitching angles are adjusted for the publication, they should also be adjusted for the reporters being pitched. Keeping the goals of your client and the goals of the journalists or producers you’re contacting in mind will help support your successful pitching initiatives. By adjusting your pitch to appeal to a journalist’s style or their audience’s interests, you’re helping match their specific needs – ensuring better success with your pitch.
Other best practices shared during the seminar included ideal processes for both phone and email pitching follow up, and how the two can be used hand-in-hand to help connect with reporters and share new information about the pitch.
Our monthly seminars serve to promote ongoing education and refinement of skills, motivating and inspiring our employees through relevant topics and exciting information. We thank Gautier for sharing his pitching expertise with the team!
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