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Senior Account Lead Rosie Gillam Presents at All Points PR’s Second Team Seminar

photoLast week, we had a great time kicking off our second monthly team seminar with senior account lead Rosie Gillam.

Rosie presented on a topic that is near and dear to our media-loving hearts, “Get Your Message Straight: Why Everyone Needs Media Training.”

At All Points Public Relations, a Chicago-based franchise PR firm, we support our clients in media training for a variety of TV, radio and print segments and interviews. We nominated Rosie to share some best practices that she has up her sleeve.

From start to finish, Rosie provided helpful tips on acing any interview, and feeling confident along the way.

Here is a summary of her key points:

As publicists, in order to provide media training we must know the format of every interview we secure on behalf of our client. Each format has different demands. The six to keep in mind are: 

  • Print/Online Interviews
  • Television Interviews
  • Ambush
  • Radio Talk Show
  • Telephone
  • Editors Desk-Side

For example, if our client has a television interview, we would recommend that they stray away from wearing black, white, or small patterns. However, big patterns or jewel-toned colors will compliment anyone on camera.

Recommending television attire is one way to demonstrate that preparation is key in any interview. But, as always, the content of the interview is the most important part.

As our client puts their best foot forward, we always provide three ways to support their efforts: identify our objectives, prepare stats/figures and examples, and prepare responses to tough questions.

When our client finally has their interview, the conversation should be natural and personable. Even if a tough question is thrown at our clients, they can always politely ask to follow up over email after the interview. There are many options a client has before allowing themselves to get nervous.

Then there’s after the interview, where Rosie underlined some great points that are a must for any interviewee. Three suggestions are:

  • Send a follow-up message via email
  • Thank the reporter for their time
  • Bullet three target messages

Overall, Rosie provided many helpful tips during her presentation on a service we are proud to provide to our clients. She outlined the most important aspects of media training, while also demystifying the interview process.

Stay tuned for December’s seminar, led by PR Associate Samantha Kritt.


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