Callie Forkenbrock Discusses Successful TV Interview Media Training Tips
The adage, “preparation is the key to success,” couldn’t be more true than it is for our franchise clients, who never have an interview without media training first. Whether we secure an opportunity for our clients to appear on TV, the radio or in print, we make absolute certain that they are totally prepared to represent their brand eloquently. All Points PR provides comprehensive media training, a key messages document and the interview logistics (time, address, call-in number, etc.) for every type of interview. By providing our clients with the tools they need for a successful interview, they’ll feel better prepared for any question that comes their way. We’ve found that media training a client for a television interview requires additional components.
TV interviews are visual – this means that the client should be prepared not only about what to say, but also what to wear, what kind of body language to use and how the set display should look. One way our team makes sure the client is ready is by scheduling a media training call, which not only includes running through the logistics (address, parking, outfit options, food checklist, preparation), but the interview itself.
PR Associate Callie Forkenbrock is one of our team’s valued media training experts, especially when it comes to television opportunities. For this reason, we were thrilled to have her present on the topic for our October seminar. Callie kicked off her presentation by showing us the awesome television segment she secured for franchise client, Potbelly. (Our favorite parts of the segment were the impeccable table set-up and our client’s impressive sandwich preparation.)
During her seminar, Callie broke down the media training steps she took to prepare the client for his appearance, which included role-playing to help him better prepare for questions and organize the talking points. In addition, Callie also coordinated a fun role-playing activity for our team to incorporate all of the tips we discussed. Thanks to her, our team has plenty of media training tips to make our next television training sessions more interactive and hands-on.
Stayed tuned for PR Associate Allyson’s seminar in November!