All Points PR Team Contemplates Privacy vs. Personalization Paradox
In our recent June seminar, Creative and Digital Lead Allie Kramer presented to the full team about some of the new social media strategies impacting our industry, instigated by her recent attendance at the Chicago Social Media Strategies Summit.
Allie shared some fascinating statistics about current social media usage, including the percentages of the adult population who regularly use each social media channel (we were surprised to hear that 73% of U.S. adults use YouTube compared to 68% on Facebook). She also brought to light the impact that Generation Z (current pre-teens and teens) is having on social media – namely, the rise of online influencers over celebrities.
Additionally, Allie brought to light a very interesting conversation happening in social media circles – the privacy vs. personalization paradox. Essentially, as Allie noted, 94% of marketers believe personalization is critical to success reaching an audience, but 92% of U.S. internet users are simultaneously expressing concern about their online data privacy. Navigating these waters has proven challenging for marketers who want to respect consumer wishes and is a conversation worth paying attention to.
Finally, Allie educated our team on some recent Facebook ad news, namely that following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook is responding by removing third party data targeting. As a reference, nearly half of Facebook’s 1,200 targeting criteria comes from third party data sources.
Staying up on the most recent social media trends is important to the All Points team as we’re constantly honing our digital and creative techniques to drive leads and results for our franchise industry clients.
We’re already looking forward to next month’s seminar – nice job, Allie!