All Points PR President Jamie Izaks Shares Monthly PR Tips On Social Media
All Points PR thrives on the outstanding results we obtain on behalf of our franchise clients. Our time and energy are wholly dedicated to engineering new, creative ideas that will land our clients where they deserve to be – in the spotlight!
But securing the placement, coordinating the interview and conducting media training are just a few of the steps we take to ensure that our clients receive the full benefit of secured publicity. All Points PR President Jamie Izaks recently shared some insight in a short video about how to best take advantage of publicity to market your franchise.
First, Jamie suggests sharing secured coverage with franchise prospects. Often, the validation from a third party (the media) can serve as a powerful force in storytelling. Prospects want to know that the concept they’re considering investing in is both financially worthwhile and well received by the community.
Jamie also discusses how to showcase a community connection in secured press. This, coupled with cohesive branding on the press coverage (produced exclusively by All Points PR’s creative team), shares a powerful message and increases brand awareness even further.
Click here to watch Jamie’s video, and be sure to “like” and “follow” All Points PR on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to stay up-to-date with Jamie’s monthly PR tips!