PR Associate Jessica Tchokalov Presents on Phone Pitching
Daily correspondence with the media is an important part of our work as a franchise PR firm that we take very seriously. Whether it’s our unique and relevant pitches or maintaining ongoing mutually beneficial relationships with reporters, editors and producers across the world, our team at All Points Public Relations takes great pride in our ability to develop trust and confidence with the press.
For this reason, we enjoyed PR Associate Jessica Tcholakov’s presentation, which was focused on the media relations aspect of our work at the agency. More specifically, Jessica provided tips on sharpening our skills in phone pitching, a method we frequently use to connect with our media contacts.
Here is a summary of her key points:
- Why is persistence important?
- Members of the media receive hundreds of story ideas a day
- It is important we keep this in mind and present fresh ideas
- When connecting with the media, pretend you are speaking with a friend
- Be conversational
- Add personal touches to the phone conversation, such as references to pieces they have already written
- Let a reporter know if he or she is the first one you called about this news
- Helps the reporter feel appreciated and prioritized
Overall, Jessica provided many helpful ways to best utilize our phone time with the media. Keeping her tips in mind, we will continue to develop our media relationships through personalized and thoughtful phone pitches.
Stay tuned for June’s seminar!